How do we identify and evaluate corrosion activity inside a concrete element?
In this episode of WJE's Solving for Why series, engineer Stephen Garrett demonstrates three assessment methods for evaluating corrosion of reinforced concrete structures: half cell potential testing, surface resistivity testing, and instantaneous corrosion rate measurement.
WJE's Janney Technical Center provides a wide range of chemical, petrographic, metallurgical, environmental, and structural testing capabilities to our clients. Take a look inside our laboratories through more of our "Solving for Why" series as our experts walk through some of the tests we regularly perform to solve our clients' built world problems.
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WJE combines experience, technology, and lessons learned from numerous metal corrosion... MORE >Services | Corrosion Analysis
We have pioneered the use of nondestructive evaluation methods—such as ground penetrating... MORE >Services | Nondestructive Evaluation
Stephen M. Garrett, Senior AssociateWJE Northbrook MORE >People | Stephen M. Garrett, Senior Associate
WJE's Janney Technical Center (JTC) provides advanced testing and forensic capabilities to... MORE >Labs | Janney Technical Center