NEWS | September 21, 2020

WJE Projects Recognized with Industry Awards


WJE is pleased to have a played a role in these recent award-winning projects.


The California Preservation Foundation awarded the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) with a 2020 Preservation Design Award for Rehabilitation. WJE served as historic architect for the project.

Work on the four-story, 131,500-square-foot SMUD facility included a complete rehabilitation of the exterior and character-defining interior features, while removing toxic materials. The rehabilitation also included site and landscape improvements designed to historically maintain significant features of the thirteen-acre site. A large open stair replaced older stairs and a mechanical shaft, and open office areas were restored and modernized to remove decades of incremental modification. 

The Hacienda at Scribe Winery

The California Preservation Foundation awarded The Hacienda at Scribe Winery with a 2020 Preservation Design Award for Rehabilitation. WJE served as structural engineer for the reincarnated structure. 

The project involved the repair and rehabilitation of the two-story, wood-framed structure built in 1915 as part of one of the first wineries in northern California. The Hacienda had been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; however, it had been abandoned for years and was in a state of disrepair. The project team used the California Historical Building Code throughout the project.

old Cook County Hospital 

The redevelopment of the old Cook County Hospital has received the 2020 Landmarks Illinois Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award for Adaptive Use. The award honors exceptional historic preservation projects and the people that are saving important places in Illinois. WJE served as designer for the exterior envelope restoration. 

WJE's role in the adaptive reuse of the vacant hospital encompassed the design and oversight of the masonry facade restoration, including replacement of more than 4,000 units of terra cotta, window replacement, restoration of monumental wood windows; curtain wall replacement for the historic skylights; and roofing replacement for all roofs and balcony levels. 

Second Home 

The redevelopment of Second Home, a shared commercial workspace in Hollywood, California, has been recognized with two awards: the Pacific Coast Builders Conference Golden Nugget Judges Special Award of Excellence 2020 and Archdaily's 2020 Best Office Building of the Year

WJE was the building enclosure consultant for the Second Home design team, providing construction documents and details for the development, which included the renovation of a 1963 building and new construction of sixty individual office “pods” on a landscaped deck over an existing below-grade garage. WJE worked with the manufacturer to develop the distinctive yellow PVC roof material that is a prominent feature of the design.

Lincoln High School

Historic Seattle awarded Lincoln High School the 2020 Beth Chave Best Rehabilitation Award. WJE provided building envelope consulting and construction administration services in relation to installation of roofing and below-grade waterproofing, and replacement of over 400 large, historic windows with windows of similar profiling and design.