Back to School: A Facilities Perspective

Jonathan E. Lewis, Principal and Executive Director of Practice Development

A Higher Education Facilities Leader Virtual Forum

WJE gathered a distinguished panel of university facility leaders to discuss and share their current and planned experiences in managing and maintaining their buildings and campuses during the pandemic. Watch this interactive panel discussion to hear how facilities leaders are coping and planning for the upcoming school year. You will hear from:

Anthony Polotto
University of Notre Dame
Director of Construction and Quality Assurance

Chris Sanders
Georgia Institute of Technology
Associate Director of Construction

Dwyn Taylor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Assistant Vice President for Capital Construction

Michael Uyeda
The University of Texas at Austin
Associate Director, Office of Capital Planning and Construction

Moderated by WJE Principal, Unit Manager, and Associate Director of Practice Development Jon Lewis, you will learn how these leaders and their universities are:

  • Preparing for the fall semester/term return scenarios
  • Handling maintenance, repair, and new construction during the pandemic
  • Working with contractors and other service providers to help ensure deadlines continue to be met
  • Managing facilities budgets and finances with reduced revenues and uncertainty heading into the latter part of the year
  • Adjusting campus operations and facilities to make the campus as safe as possible
  • Altering prior facility management and maintenance practices that no longer make sense