Since joining WJE in 2010, Stephen Foster has been involved in the evaluation, design, and rehabilitation of numerous engineering projects, including concrete, steel, wood, and masonry structures. He has performed assessments related to corrosion distress, design and construction deficiencies, foundation-related movement, and leakage distress. Mr. Foster is experienced with preparing construction documents and has performed construction administration work on several repair projects, including experience with numerous field testing and ASTM procedures. He also has experience and specialized training for assessment, specification, and quality assurance inspection of coating and cathodic protection systems.
Prior to joining WJE, Mr. Foster worked as a graduate research assistant investigating the optimization of bridge deck reinforcement for a research project sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation. While at the University of Texas, he worked as a field engineer with a general contractor and as a structural designer with an architectural engineering firm.
Condition Assessment
- Queen Isabella Causeway - South Padre Island, TX: Condition assessment and nondestructive evaluation of corrosion-induced distress, and inspection of metalizing coatings
- Seabrook Station - Seabrook, NH: Condition assessment of cracking in equipment vault
- Turning Basin Terminal - Port of Houston, TX: Condition assessment and nondestructive evaluation of concrete docks
Repair and Rehabilitation
- Palo Verde Water Reclamation Facility - Tonopah, AZ: Design of repair and rebuild documents for comprehensive concrete repair and maintenance plan
- Waco Independent School District Administration Building - Waco, TX: Structural steel and coating repairs for exterior fire escape stair tower and catwalks
- Second Street Parking Garage - Austin, TX: Traffic coating repairs
Construction Observation Services
- U.S. 181 - Aransas Pass, TX: Quality control inspections and testing of cathodic protection installation
- Army Medical Hospital - Killeen, TX: Construction observations of concrete column repairs
- Navajo Generating Station - Page, AZ: Inspection of scaffold installations
Corrosion Protection
- Parking Garage - Houston, TX: Design and construction observation of thermal spray metalizing of chloride-induced corrosion
- Barbours Cut Terminal - La Porte, TX: Design and construction observation of cathodic protection jackets and thermal spray metalizing for piers
- Port of Entry Domestic Water Tank - Tornillo, Texas - Corrosion assessment and repair recommendations of glass fused-to-steel domestic water tank
Failures and Disasters
- Organic Dairy Barn - Paul, ID: Investigation of steel roof truss failure
- Fertilizer Plant Explosion - West, TX: Assessment of various structures subject to blast wave
- Precast Plant - San Marcos, TX: Investigation of prestressing assembly failure
Historic Preservation
- Lee County Courthouse (ca. 1899) - Giddings, TX: Foundation stabilization and structural repairs
- Williamson County Courthouse (ca. 1911) - Georgetown, TX: Condition assessment and rehabilitation design of historic masonry
- Goliad County Courthouse (ca. 1894) - Goliad, TX: Condition assessment and rehabilitation design of water infiltration and structural distress
Litigation Consulting
- Water Treatment Plant - Cedar Park, TX: Condition assessment; repair design of concrete and coating systems to address leakage, corrosion, and various construction defects; construction observation services
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP)
International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI)
AMPP Certified Coatings Inspector
NACE CP2 - Cathodic Protection Technician
NACE Corrosion Technologist
Professional Engineer in FL and TX
Structural Engineer in AZ
University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science, Architectural Engineering, 2008
Master of Science, Architectural Engineering, 2010
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