Rebecca Wong specializes in historic preservation and materials conservation and is an architectural historian in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards. Ms. Wong has performed investigations, condition assessments, repair design, and construction observation services for various facade systems, including brick masonry cavity and mass walls, as well as concrete, limestone, granite, marble, terra cotta, and wood on both contemporary and historically significant buildings and structures.
Prior to joining WJE, Ms. Wong was a project manager with the U.S. federal government, where she managed historic preservation projects at a National Historic Landmark. She is knowledgeable and experienced in the application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation and National Park Service Technical Preservation Briefs. She communicated regularly with state historic preservation offices, the National Park Service’s National Landmarks Program, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
Historic Structures Reports
- Coquille Lighthouse - Bandon, OR: Development of historic structures report (HSR) for 1896 lighthouse to document history, condition, and treatment recommendations
- Hungry Horse and Grand Coulee Dams - MT and WA: Development of HSR for two hydroelectric dams to document condition and treatment recommendations
- Walla Walla Armory - Walla Walla, WA: Development of HSR for 1920 armory and 1938 garage to document history, condition, as-built drawings, and treatment recommendations
- Ash Grove - Vienna, VA: Development of HSR for 1790 federal-style house and brick kitchen to document history, condition, and treatment recommendations
- Fairfax Arms - Colchester, VA: Development of HSR for 1753 tavern to document history, condition, and treatment recommendations
Repair and Rehabilitation
- Roosevelt High School - Seattle, WA: Restoration documents for 1920s terra cotta and brick masonry school
- Gibbs House - Seattle, WA: Investigation and repair documents for 1933 Italianate terra cotta house
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library - Washington, D.C.: Enclosure restoration repair documents and construction period services
- Virginia General Assembly Building - Richmond: Rehabilitation documents and construction administration for 1911 Beaux Arts facade retention and integration with new enclosure
Historic Preservation
- B Reactor - Hanford, WA: Condition assessment and robotic panoramic photography of concrete masonry unit and concrete structure
- Russell Senate Office Building - Washington, D.C.: Construction period services for stone, wood window, and metals restoration work
- Sully Historic Site - Chantilly, VA: Development of building preservation plans on five outbuildings
Materials Conservation
- VA National Cemeteries - AK, AZ, MT, NM, OR, TX, UT, and WA: Condition assessments on monuments and memorials; development of repair recommendations
- Ash Grove - Vienna, VA: Materials analysis to assess cause of masonry deterioration and to develop repair recommendations
National Register Nominations
- Original Mount Vernon High School - Alexandria, VA: HSR and National Register Nomination for school campus that was listed in 2018
HABS and HAER Documentation
- Rigg-Buckley House - Centreville, VA: Development of HABS drawing and photography documentation as well as HSR work on circa 1822 log home
Professional Affiliations
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Association for Preservation Technology International, Northwest Chapter board director
Project Management Institute
American Institute for Conservation Professional Associate
Association for Preservation Technology International Recognized Professional
Project Management Professional
Regis University
Bachelor of Business, Management Emphasis, 2011
Savannah College of Art and Design
Master of Arts, Historic Preservation, 2015
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