Kurt Tyler conducts condition assessments and structural evaluations and performs structural analyses, computer modeling, and repair designs for concrete, steel, and masonry structures. He has broad-based experience in performing failure investigations of concrete and steel structures. Mr. Tyler prepares construction documents involving repair designs, creates graphical details, and repair specifications. In addition, he is experienced in utilizing nondestructive testing techniques covering various equipment and materials.
Structural Evaluation
- Refinery - Pasadena, TX: Assessment of existing structures for structural capacity; unit-wide structural evaluation of existing structures for repair prioritization
- Chemical Plant - Borger, TX: Plant-wide structural evaluation of existing steel structures for repair prioritization
- Refinery - Port Arthur, TX: Assessment of existing structure for structural capacity
- Maravilla Condominiums - Galveston, TX: Inspection of precast hollow core planks and structural steel members exposed to fire
- Multiplate Steel Culvert - Elgin, TX: Assessment of existing structure for structural capacity
- Palo Verde Water Reclamation Facility - Palo Verde, AZ: Visual materials condition assessment for concrete water-retaining structures
Repair and Rehabilitation Design
- Martindale Army Airfield - San Antonio, TX: Design of replacement runway for rotary wing aircraft
- Palo Verde Water Reclamation Facility - Palo Verde, AZ: Repair of concrete and steel structures due to corrosion deterioration; emergency repair design of thickener structure
- Refinery - Houston, TX: Repair design of sulfur pit roof
- Chemical Plant - Deer Park, TX: Repair design of tank foundation
Failure Investigation
- Heldenfels Enterprises Precast Plant - Buda, TX: Investigation of failed stressing assembly
- Port Freeport Velasco Terminal - Freeport, TX; Investigation of failed soil anchor rods
Condition Assessment
- Chemical Processing Facility - Freeport, TX: Investigation of through-slab cracking and roof-cause determination of leakage; repair design to mitigate leakage
- NASA Vehicle Assembly Building - Titusville, FL: Condition assessment of concrete slabs
- Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station - Palo Verde, AZ: Semiannual condition assessment of cooling tower structures
- Jesse H. Jones Hall for the Performing Arts - Houston, TX: Exterior travertine wall cladding periodic condition assessment
Structural Analysis/Computer Modeling
- Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station - Palo Verde, AZ: Nonlinear finite element modeling of distressed structure to determine structural adequacy
- Duke Energy Buck Steam Station Power Plant - Salisbury, NC: Finite element modeling of as-built structure to determine structural adequacy
- Multistory Office Building - Houston, TX: Analysis of gravity and lateral load resisting systems for superstructure
Load Testing
- Capital One Tower - Houston, TX: Load testing of roof tieback anchors for facade access
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute
International Concrete Repair Institute
Civil Engineer in LA
Professional Engineer in MS and TX
Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 2008
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 2009
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