Since joining WJE in 2022, Isaac Coleman has been involved in investigating and observing facade repairs, construction repairs, condition assessments, and field quality assurance. Mr. Coleman has investigated various construction systems and materials, including masonry, concrete, and stone structures. His experience also encompasses field evaluation, building enclosures, and testing to identify issues such as water and moisture infiltration, as well as corrosion.
Mr. Coleman’s projects have included government research facilities, commercial buildings, and high-rise residential buildings. He has additional experience in quality assurance and control site observation.
Construction Observation Services and Facade Assessment
- Bayview Research Center - Baltimore, MD: Engineering services, site observation, and observations of brick masonry facade repairs
Condition Assessment
- National Geographic Society - Washington, D.C.: Condition assessment of 16th Street east elevation of existing structure; observation of removal of marble thins on third and fourth floors of 17th Street building
- Harper House Condominium - Baltimore, MD: Investigation and observation of corrosion, cracks, and damage on concrete balconies
Leakage Investigation
- The Dunes of Naples - Naples, FL: Post-Hurricane Ian litigation observations of water testing on fenestrations
- Merriweather Building B - Columbia, MD: Water leakage investigation and assessment of stone facade at parking garage, storefronts, and balconies
Parking Structures
- Harper House Condominium - Baltimore, MD: Investigation, preparation of repair documents, and construction observation of concrete pilasters and foundation at Levels A and B storage areas/parking garage
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Bachelor of Science, Architectural Engineering, 2005
We work with owners, project architects and engineers, and contractors to execute successful... MORE >Services | Construction Observation and Troubleshooting
WJE professionals have successfully diagnosed and solved problems in thousands of building facades MORE >Services | Facade Assessment
We apply the lessons learned from more than 175,000 projects to provide clients with a full... MORE >Services | Condition Evaluation
Learn about our Washington, D.C. office MORE >Offices | Washington, D.C.