Since joining WJE, Brian Calderone has been involved in the forensic investigation, evaluation, and repair of hundreds of projects, including concrete, steel, wood, and masonry structures. These projects include structural failure and leakage investigations of water retaining concrete structures; fire damage assessment of concrete and wood structures; condition assessment and repair of structural and waterproofing elements of conventional and prestressed reinforced concrete parking garages and stadiums, as well as system assessments and material investigations of EIFS and masonry facades; and collapse investigations of concrete, steel, and masonry structures. He is also experienced in preparing construction documents for concrete, steel, waterproofing, and masonry repairs, and the management and oversight of active repair projects. Additionally, Mr. Calderone has provided engineering consulting services for insurance claim and litigation projects.
Structural Engineering
- James S. Rickards Middle School - Fort Lauderdale, FL: Roof collapse investigation
- Champlain Towers South - Surfside, FL: Building collapse investigation
- Four Seasons at The Surf Club - Surfside, FL: Assessment and repair of limited glass guardrails and aluminum trellis
- Burleigh House Condominiums - Miami, FL: Structural assessment of windows and doors, including full-scale laboratory testing, instrumentation, and analysis
- David L. Lawrence Convention Center - Pittsburgh, PA: Building-wide structural connection assessment
Building Enclosures
- W Fort Lauderdale Hotel - Fort Lauderdale, FL: Assessment and repair design of distress stucco cladding
- Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport - FL: Weather-resistive barrier repair consulting
- Daytona International Speedway - Daytona Beach, FL: Corrosion investigation of stainless steel cladding panels
- Brickell City Centre - Miami, FL: Stucco cladding assessment
Failure/Damage Investigations
- Hurricane Harvey - Aransas County, TX: Storm damage assessment and repair design for hundreds of civil, commercial, and educational facilities
- Hurricane Michael - Panama City, FL: Structural and facade storm damage assessments and repair design for multiple civil, commercial, and educational facilities
- Hurricane Dorian - Great Guana Cay, Bahamas: Structural, roofing, and facade damage assessments of multiple concrete-framed residential structures
- Condominium - Coral Gables, FL: Hurricane Irma damage assessment of roofing, facade, windows, doors, and glass balcony rails, including full-scale wind tunnel laboratory testing, instrumentation, and analysis
- Portofino Tower - Miami Beach, FL: Hurricane Irma damage assessment of windows and doors
- Ohio State University - Wooster: Campus-wide assessment for building envelope and structural damage resulting from EF2 tornado
- Port of Los Angeles - CA: Assessment of fire damage to wood and reinforced concrete dock
Repair and Rehabilitation
- Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant and Water Reclamation Facility - Tonopah, AZ: Assessment and repair of a wastewater treatment concrete structures
- Huntington Park Garage - Cleveland, OH: Investigation and repair design for precast concrete structure and waterproofing
- PNC Park at North Shore - Pittsburgh, PA: Stadium-wide replacement of seating bowl and concourse waterproofing elements
- Little Cuyahoga River - Akron, OH: Assessment and repair of historic retaining walls and elevated slab
- Scioto County Regional Water District No. 1 Water Treatment Plant - Lucasville, OH: Investigation of a reinforced concrete water retaining tank failure and repair design
Professional Affiliations
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Professional Engineer in FL and OH
Case Western Reserve University
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 2009
Master of Science, Structural Engineering, 2009
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